Paint color sample haiku by Ellen from Northampton, Massachusetts
As the sun sinks low LULLABY rises like FLAME HUSH, little one…rest.
Paint color sample haiku by Sue from Pelham, Massachusetts
Hush, morning's first light Ponder(ing) my hopeful dreams Consciousness returns
Paint color sample haiku by Ella from Florence, Massachusetts
Like WALLFLOWERs we Wait and ENVY those who speak CHEERFUL bouts of faith
Paint color sample haiku by Elizabeth from Holyoke, Massachusetts
I PONDER FIRST LIGHT watching the last Lullaby as it's usurped
Paint color sample haiku by Denise from Florence, Massachusetts
Mom's cooking VEGAN HUSH sad family HOPE for longer life
Paint color sample haiku by Alex from Florence, Massachusetts
The first light so bright The sun’s vibrant flame breaks night The light touch feels right
Paint color sample haiku by Annie from Leeds, Massachusetts
in this time of dark spark of first light burns hopeful willing flames of change
Paint color sample haiku by Zion from Northampton, Massachusetts
Living soul goes hush Funky fruit turns to strange fruit Pouring out red hope
Paint color sample haiku by Suzanne from Florence, Massachusetts
After November I pocket my HOPEFUL dreams The BLUE FLAME snuffed out.
Paint color sample haiku by Kayleigh from Northampton, Massachusetts
You're a LULLABY Marking me with your BLUE song Why aren't I HOPEFUL?